Friday, February 28, 2014


Today we will be reading some selections from "Beowulf."

This poem is what we call an epic poem, which is a long, narrative poem that tells about a great hero who goes on a series of quests. 

The first election that we will read is on page 428 of of your textbook.

The second selection will be given to you. If you lose this copy, you can access a PDF copy by clicking here: It is also in Canvas. 

Some things to keep in mind about the characters:

Beowulf = the hero
Hrothgar = the kind of the Danes (Denmark)
Higlac = Beowulf's uncle and king of the Geats
Grendel = a demon/monster who terrorizes Hrothgar's kingdom

Questions and statements  you might use while you are working 
with your groups to read the second selection:

- What does it mean in line ____ when it says "..........?"
- What does the word _______ mean? 
- Do you understand why the character ________?
- In lines _______, I think what happened is that ________. 
Do you agree?
- I agree with you that _________ happened, but I'm not 
sure that ________ is right because......