1. Go to your most recent Canvas announcement
2. Click the link that says "SBAC Testing Page"
(or click here)
3. Click "Sign In" (You DO NOT need a username/password)
4. Select "Grade 8" from the drop-down menu
5. Wait patiently for further instructions.
We will finish Chapter 1 of The Outsiders today.
After this, we will discuss the characters we have
met so far.
Your character chart asks you to write down
characteristics of the person, meaning you
want to write traits of the characters
based on evidence and proof from the book.
Click here for a list of traits that you can use!
Your last project for today is to begin to think
about the Greasers as a whole.
You will create a FAST chart about Greasers.
Make sure you use evidence from the book
and write down the quote AND page number.