Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Performance Task

Do Now (in this order!):

1. Take out your video permission slip
    and your "Nothing Gold Can Stay" work.
    Place them on the corner of your desk.
2. Take your iPads out and open your Performance Task.
3. Furiously review everything you've been working on
    and/or fill in empty boxes you didn't complete.
3. Be ready for further instructions.

Today's Agenda:
  1. Warm-up
  2. Performance Task (We will be finished today!)
  3. We will start reading Chapter Seven of
    The Outsiders via audio CDs.
  4. Fill out this google form. You will find a
    link to it on Canvas in Announcements.
  5. Hopes/Fears activity (if time permits)

Friday, April 25, 2014

"Nothing Gold Can Stay"

Last class we came across a poem in The Outsiders that Ponyboy recited to Johnny one evening while they were hiding out in the abandoned church. We didn't spend any time talking about it, so that's what we're going to do today.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Reading in Pairs

Welcome to your new seats!
Now that you've found it, ask your partner 
to introduce him/herself.

Take a couple minutes to write about a
moment in your childhood that you remember
vividly. Be as detailed as possible. It can be
happy, sad, funny, scary-- whatever you
remember it to be. You will be sharing.
For The Outsiders:
Today you will be doing a little more independent work.
As you read, you will discuss with your partner and
collaboratively answer the questions provided. The following
guidelines will help you do this.


We may not get to our performance task today,
but if we do, this is what you need to work on:
  1. Read and annotated ALL four texts.
  2. Complete Graphic Organizer One and Two

Monday, April 21, 2014

Just Keep Reading

Do Now:

On your warm-up sheet in your Outsiders folder,
write today's date (April 21).

1. Take a minute to review Chapter 3.
2. Pretend you are Ponyboy, and that you have his
    feelings and ideas.
3. Choose one of the following characters and
    describe the character from Ponyboy's point of view.
  • Darry
  • Sodapop

We have a lot of reading to do today. 

Your tasks for the day:

1. Write a paragraph. The prompt we will discuss:
A *major event* happens in Chapter Four.
Using details from the book, Describe the actions 
that Johnny and Ponyboy take after the incident.

2. Continue working on your character chart.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Socs vs. Greasers

As you listen to/read Chapter 3 today, make sure 
to continue noting unfamiliar vocabulary.

After we read chapter three of The Outsiders today, 
we will continue our examination of important quotes 
from the story, and explaining their significance. 
Today we will be focusing on the characterization 
of Greasers vs. Socs.

Your tasks:
  1. Chapter 3 quote sheet and prediction
    about the next chapter.
  2. Continue working on character chart.
    (DO NOT FORGET to describe character
    traits. Physical traits are great, but not enough.)

When we have about a half hour left, we will
continue working on the Performance Task. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Characterization in The Outsiders

Do Now:
Take out a sheet of paper and write your name on it. You will be turning this in.

Choose one of the three quotes below. Copy it down and explain what we
learn about the character's personality from the quote.

"Soda is one of a kind… In our neighborhood it’s rare to find a kid who 
doesn’t drink once in a while. But Soda never touches a drop--he doesn’t need 
to. He gets drunk on just plain living." (pg. 8)

"[Dally’s] eyes were blue, blazing ice, cold with a hatred of the whole world. 
Dally had spent three years on the wild of New York and had been arrested 
at the age of ten.” (pg.10)

"Johnny Cage was last and least. If you can picture a little dark puppy that 
has been kicked too many times and is lost in a crowd of strangers, you’ll 
have Johnny." (pg. 11)


Today we will be reading Chapter 2 of The Outsiders

While we listen to the chapter, don't forget to keep
your notecard beside you to write down words that
are confusing or new to you.

You have three tasks (which I will give to you)
when the chapter is completed:

  1. Write a paragraph to summarize a scene.
  2. Answer the questions about quotes from the chapter.
  3. Continue working on your character organizer.

Friday, April 11, 2014

"Tough and tuff are two different words... In our neighborhood both are compliments."

Do Now:

1. Go to your most recent Canvas announcement

2. Click the link that says "SBAC Testing Page"
     (or click here)

3. Click "Sign In" (You DO NOT need a username/password)

4. Select "Grade 8" from the drop-down menu

5. Wait patiently for further instructions.


We will finish Chapter 1 of The Outsiders today.
After this, we will discuss the characters we have
met so far.

Your character chart asks you to write down
characteristics of the person, meaning you 
want to write traits of the characters 
based on evidence and proof from the book.
Click here for a list of traits that you can use!

Your last project for today is to begin to think
about the Greasers as a whole.

You will create a FAST chart about Greasers. 
Make sure you use evidence from the book
and write down the quote AND page number. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Beginning The Outsiders

Today we will be starting our new unit.

We will be reading The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton.

You will not need anything but a pencil
for our activities today.

Monday, April 7, 2014

The Landlady

Welcome back from Spring Break! 

Today your warm-up asks you to explain 
examples of oxymorons and hyperboles

If you do not remember what these figures of speech are:

An oxymoron is a figure of speech where two 
words that are opposite or contradictory are put 
together to make a new phrase

A hyperbole is an obvious or unrealistic exaggeration


We will be reviewing mood, tone, and foreshadowing
by reading "The Landlady" by Roald Dahl.
(Pg. 62 in your textbook)

Tone - The author's attitude toward their subject/writing.
Does the writing sound playful, angry, serious, depressed
frustrated, lonely, excited?

Mood - the way the story makes the reader feel. 
Does the story feel suspenseful, happy, nervous,
angry, joyful?

Foreshadowing - when something early in the story
gives a hint about an event that will occur later.